Fangirl Correspondent: A Fangirl Farewell

Today’s Fangirl Correspondent isn’t about online culture, or fandom, really.

It’s kind of like a bad awards show speech, I guess. Only with more entertaining GIFs.

If anyone was going to get overly emotional about the semester (and my term as a Catalyst blogger) coming to an end, it’d be me.

Apologies in advance for all of the GIFs and incoherent FANGIRL FEELS HSADIHSDLJA that you may experience below.

(I know I say that every week … The truth is I’m really not that sorry but I figured it’s the polite thing to do before I get away with using yet another GIF of One Direction.)

According to Google, 105 days have passed since my first Fangirl Correspondent post.

I don’t know about you, but for me, that’s a pretty long time. I’m surprised I made it this far, to be honest.

The best thing about fangirling, though, is that it’s not something limited to time or space or anything else, really.

All you need is passion. And maybe a teensy tiny bit of insanity.

Just maybe.

As I wrote 105 days

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ago, “Fangirl is simply a label for my ridiculous enthusiasm, and it’s a badge that I’ll proudly wear. Not all of us are screaming and crying and outside hotels at 3am. Well, not ALL the time, anyway.”

Being a fangirl really should have prepared me for this blog series coming to an end.

After all, I did survive the end of the Harry Potter series, I eventually got over the major character death in season three of The OC (this is a spoiler free zone), and I made it through the final scenes of High School Musical 3 with barely any tears.

(Troy and Gabriella meant a lot to me, OK?!)

When I sat down to write this final post though, I felt a little bit like this:

So, all I really have to say is thank you.

Thank you to Andrei, Dragana and Nathan for giving me such an incredible opportunity and being amazing editors and lovely people.

Thank you to my fellow bloggers, for providing me and the rest of the internet with amusing, interesting and thought-provoking posts each week.

Thank you to my classmates, friends, family and people of the Twitterverse for

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your wonderful contributions to Fangirl Correspondent at one point or another.

Thank you to the guy who invented GIFs. (I am never going to pronounce it as “jif”, though, soz.)

Thanks to all the creators of any of the GIFs that I’ve used, too!

On that note, thanks to whoever invented the internet.

And whoever decided that blogging should be a thing.

And thanks to David Karp for simultaneously ruining my life and making it so much more wonderful by making Tumblr.

Of course, thank you to One Direction. I don’t really know why, but I just feel like I should probably thank them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Fangirl Correspondent journey as much as I have.

Instead of reality television-style highlights montage, I’ve put together some of my favourite GIFs to share with you all.

If there’s one thing I’d like you to take away from Fangirl Correspondent, it’d have to be this:

Don’t be afraid to fangirl about things in life. It makes it fun.

As for signing off for the final time …

Thanks heaps. #muchlove.

Kara Gibbons


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